The company
Founded in April 2004, our company has more than 30 years of expertise in importing and trading frozen seafood products.
Gradually, initially national distribution turned to European markets, which today constitute a growing and essential part of sales.
April 2004: creation.
January 2005: agency for Italy.
January 2015: agency for Eastern and Nordic countries.
January 2020: merger of PhiléO and Aloha Seafood. Charles Souffrin new President of Aloha Seafood.
2020: MSC certification.
2023: renewal of MSC certification.
2024: ISO 22000 audit preparation.
Charles Souffrin - President
With a scientific background, founder of PhiléO in 2015 which merged with Aloha Seafood in 2020 following the sale of the company. 15 years of experience in seafood products.
Claire Coiffard - In charge of sales administration of Aloha Seafood
Responsible for managing and administering relationships with clients.
Pierre Sourice - Business development
In charge of European business development.
Franck Gagey - Business development
Present since the creation in 2004, 25 years of experience in the marketing of seafood products, at national and European level.
Regional sales agents
Italie : Mario Andreotti, 30 years of experience in the marketing of seafood products in charge of the Italy region.
Eastern countries, Franck Bigger, Nov East partner, 25 years of experience in the marketing of seafood products.
Scandinavian countries, Marc Telliez, 25 years of experience in the marketing of seafood products.
Middle-East, Jean-Maurice Le Guevel, 30 years of experience in the marketing of seafood products.

2020 revenues,
of which 75% for export
2021 revenues,
of which 75% for export
2022 revenues,
of which 75% for export
Our commercial strategy is dictated by the desire to protect the resources of the species most sought after by consumers (rocky lobster tails, carabineros shrimp, king crab, toothfish, etc.).
This consists of selecting noble species and guaranteeing optimal conditions for their capture with a view to sustainable fishing.
​Aloha Seafood was MSC certified in June 2020, certification renewed in June 2023 (certificate here ).
MSC: Marine stewardship council
ASC: Aquaculture stewardship council
BRC: British Research council
IFS: International Featured Standards
Control and analysis of products at origin by agents on site, from factories with HACCP or ISO standards respecting occupational hygiene conditions.
Selection of products from catch areas where sustainable fishing takes place in an environment controlled by the authorities.
Selection of products without additives harmful to health or antibiotics to ensure food safety.​
Respect of the cold chain and traceability of each batch from the production source to the consumer.
Organoleptic and physicochemical analyzes are carried out by independent French laboratories at the storage locations.
Each new product from a new supplier is sampled for a culinary test before being offered for sale.
The company defends itself against illegal fishing, opposes electric fishing, and supports animal rights.
The company subcontracts manufacturing, storage, logistics, and quality controls which are carried out by independent laboratories. Each product is tested in-house.
The part devoted to trading at the European level ensures strong responsiveness and allows us to respond quickly to any request in strict compliance with European regulations.

Service and customer
We mainly target European wholesalers, wholesale purchasing centers and the processing industry.
We do not sell directly to restaurants or individuals. Our minimum sales volume is by pallet.​
​We subcontract the processing of the raw material, wrapping in film or bagging, labeling for retail sale, cutting of products in approved and labeled workshops in France at Boulogne and Dunkerque.
Cold logistics is entrusted to approved international carriers selected as the fastest and most reliable, guaranteeing intra-European delivery within the shortest time.
Storage at -20°C is carried out by public partner refrigerators (Sotralim in Grande-Synthe and SDPN in Boulogne-sur-Mer) meeting the most demanding safety standards and in strict compliance with regulations.